Our Complete Care Guarantee is simple – once your loved one has been brought into our care, he or she will remain with us until returned to you and will never be “outsourced” to an industrial crematorium or any other third-party provider.
Too often these days, the path to low prices is paved with poor service and cut corners.
At Tri-County Cremation Center, we’ve taken another road. We offer outstanding service at reasonable prices by hiring only the best people and owning all of the equipment and facilities required to fully care for your family’s needs.
As a result, we never have to “outsource” your loved one to any third-party provider.
So, the next time you see a cremation provider offering prices that seem too good to be true, ask them a few simple questions, as recommended by the International Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association:
To learn more, or to view all of the questions you have a right to know the answers to before entrusting your loved one to an outsourcing provider, please visit the ICCFA website.